Naga Katta

Hi, I am currently a research engineer at Salesforce. Previously, I was a Ph.D. student in the Networking Research group led by Prof. Jennifer Rexford at the Computer Science department, Princeton University.
Before joining Princeton, I graduated with a Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Kanpur, India.
Office Address:
Room 315, Computer Science Building
35 Olden St
Princeton, NJ 08540
E-mail: nkatta at cs dot princeton edu
Recent Research
My research focus at Princeton has mostly been about Software-Defined Networks. You can find more about the projects I was part of, in collaboration with Prof. David Walker -- on improving the scalability of SDN-related abstractions using techniques like reachability analysis and rule-caching. Lately, I've been looking at developing fault-tolerant and distributed controller platforms for SDN in collaboration with Prof. Mike Freedman. I am also working on a project related to utilization aware load balancing in datacenters using advanced switch architectures in collaboration with Dr. Changhoon Kim (Barefoot Networks) and Dr. Mukesh Hira (VMware).I also organize the weekly SDN Reading Group here at Princeton where we thoroughly discuss one or two interesting research papers broadly related to the field of Software-Defined Networking. If you would like us to disucss your paper/draft and would like some feedback, please contact me or any other Princeton SDN colleagues with your draft.
I defended my Ph.D. thesis[pdf][slides] on Oct 11, 2016!
"CLOVE: Congestion-Aware Load Balancing at the Virtual Edge",
appeared in ACM CoNEXT, December 2017.
"CLOVE: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Core and Love the Edge",
in the ACM Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets), November 2016.
"HULA: Scalable Load Balancing using Programmable Data-planes",
in the ACM Symposium For SDN Research (SOSR), March 2016. [code]
"CacheFlow: Dependency-aware Rule Caching for Software-defined Networks",
in the ACM Symposium For SDN Research (SOSR), March 2016. Won the Best Paper award. [code]
"In-band Network Telemetry (INT) and a brief introduction to HULA",
at the 2nd P4 workshop, November 2015.
"Ravana: Controller Fault-Tolerance in Software-Defined Networking",
in the ACM Symposium For SDN Research (SOSR), June 2015. [code]
"In-band Network Telemetry via Programmable Dataplanes",
in the demo sessions at ACM SIGCOMM (August, 2015) and ACM SOSR (June 2015).
"Infinite CacheFlow in Software-Defined Networks",
appeared in the ACM HotSDN, August 2014.
"Incremental consistent updates",
appeared in the ACM HotSDN, August 2013.
"Languages for software-defined networks,"
IEEE Communications Magazine, volume 51, number 2, February 2013.
"Logic Programming for Software Defined Networks,"
Workshop on Cross-model Language Design and Implementation (XLDI), September 2012.
"JavaScript in JavaScript (js.js): Sandboxing third-party scripts,"
Usenix Conference on Web Application Development (WebApps), June 2012.
Past Research